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Sostenibilidad en Retail: Reduciendo Mermas para un Futuro Más Verde.

IRecco has received inquiries seeking clarification of job offers received in unsolicited fashion. These job offers appear to come from organisations falsely pretending to recruit on behalf, or by people…

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Optimizando la Sustentabilidad en el Retail: Abordando las Pérdidas de Desperdicios y Alimentos (PDA).

IRecco has received inquiries seeking clarification of job offers received in unsolicited fashion. These job offers appear to come from organisations falsely pretending to recruit on behalf, or by people…

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Desarrollando la Sostenibilidad en el Retail a través de las Siete “R” de la Economía Circular.

IRecco has received inquiries seeking clarification of job offers received in unsolicited fashion. These job offers appear to come from organisations falsely pretending to recruit on behalf, or by people…

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Explorando el Ciclo de Vida de los Productos.

IRecco has received inquiries seeking clarification of job offers received in unsolicited fashion. These job offers appear to come from organisations falsely pretending to recruit on behalf, or by people…

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Aprovechamiento Total de los Residuos Orgánicos en Tiendas de Autoservicio.

IRecco has received inquiries seeking clarification of job offers received in unsolicited fashion. These job offers appear to come from organisations falsely pretending to recruit on behalf, or by people…

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Introducción a la Economía Circular: Transformando el Futuro con Sostenibilidad

IRecco has received inquiries seeking clarification of job offers received in unsolicited fashion. These job offers appear to come from organisations falsely pretending to recruit on behalf, or by people…